Live Dining history 2009, 2007, 2005-06 and Corn Dining 2004


« Live Dining » est concept adaptable, performance, installation-cuisine-salle-à-manger avec plantes et arbres, développement d’écosystèmes, biodiversité, et diversité de communautés et d’individus. L’art est d'allié les actions de planter, récolter, préparer, composter, cuisiner et dîner, sur la place d'agriculture urbaine et plantes naturalisées. L'art est dans nos liens avec les sources de notre nourriture-médicine préventive, essentiel pour une vie en santé.

August backyard live dining 2009, with Jean-François Prost, Frank Nobert and Nicole Fournier. Also featuring backyard live dining furniture

August backyard live dining 2009, with Jean-François Prost, Nicole Fournier and Frank Nobert (seen in that order in pict below). Also featuring backyard live dining furniture from august going back from July. So the order of the images are present to past.

photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
image of root to the left: from live dining chair 2009 - big root going to the sky, above the whole live dining furniture installation. This root seems to be the symbol of backyard live dining 2009
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
image of root of live dining chair 2009, with Jean-François Prost underneath, smelling evening primrose leaf or a bean or bee balm leaf (i cant quite remember)
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois

photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Wes Fournier-Bourgeois
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
live dining chair 2009 with big root going to the sky, above the whole live dining furniture installation. This root seems to be the symbol of backyard live dining 2009

photo by Nicole Fournier

photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
close up of live dining table from 2008, transformed by overwintering, with branches with roots, attached with wire for structure for beans to grow on.
photo by Nicole Fournier
in foreground: live dining chair found by Massimo Zanasi from Sardinia Italy, in Montreal in 2008, transformed by squirrels as they used part of it for their nest, decomposition aided by overwintering 2008-2009. branches with roots attached, aiming at the sky, connected with wire to back of seat, by Nicole Fournier. In background: live dining table from 2008, transformed by overwintering, with branches with roots, attached with wire for structure for beans to grow on.

photo by Nicole Fournier

photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
photo by Nicole Fournier
live dining furniture - the chair that Xavier Michaud-Beaulieu found, for live dining chair with corn growing as seat
photo by Nicole Fournier